
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Park Avenue
Prep – Year 6 Co-educational
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is a welcoming community that is proud of its inclusive culture in the Catholic Tradition. Our curriculum seeks to develop children who will have a clear sense of their own self-worth and, by accepting responsibility for their learning, successfully demonstrate the outcomes of a lifelong learner. A learning framework has been developed to support this goal. St Joseph’s offers a traditional curriculum structure based around two individual classes per grade, with an emphasis on literacy and numeracy. Additional learning support for individual learners will take place within the context of the classroom.
This school offers Outside School Hours Care (OSHC).
Enrolment Application Fee Schedule
OSHC EnrolmentGeneral Information
Location Main Street Park Avenue QLD 4701
Postal Address PO Box 9522 Park Avenue QLD 4701
Approx. Enrolment 372
Founded 1929 by Sisters of St Joseph
Parish Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Park Avenue