
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Bundaberg
Prep – Year 6 Co-educational
School Motto
Growing Together As One
St Joseph’s offers a Catholic education based on Gospel values and the charism of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. Dedicated and skilled staff are committed to providing the best possible learning outcomes for students supported by cooperative and active parent community. Opportunities and activities include:
- Reef Guardian School Member – annual participation in the Future Leaders Eco Challenge day; Milbi, our pet turtle; ‘Cut the Glow to Help Turtles Go’ public awareness campaign with Mon Repos Conservation Park; tree planting; vegetable gardening and composting; encouranging no waste lunches, including from the tuckshop.
- Better Buddies Program
- Band and Instrumental Program
- Participation annually in the OPTIMINDS challenge, usually with very successful results for the teams.
- Participation in the Readers’ Cup Challenge
- Involvement in Choir and Speech Eisteddfods
- Specialist teachers for Science and Music
- School-wide culture that ensures access to digital teaching resources constantly. Our 1-1 computer program was introduced in 2015 and we are a registered eSmart School.
- Out of School Hours Care/Vacation Care providing excellent service to our school and wider community.
- Commitment to a ‘healthy approach’ tuckshop providing an educational element as well as healthy alternatives to food choices.
- Learning Support Program that responds to the needs of identified students requiring extension, behaviour and/or learning support.
This school offers Outside School Hours Care (OSHC).
Enrolment Application Fee Schedule
OSHC EnrolmentGeneral Information
Location 22 Barolin Street Bundaberg QLD 4670
Postal Address 22 Barolin St Bundaberg QLD 4670
Approx. Enrolment 165
Founded 1876 by the Sisters of St Joseph
Parish The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg