
St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School Clinton
Prep – Year 6 Co-educational
School Motto
True before God. True before all.
We value each child, their individual stories and the journeys that made them who they are today. St John’s is a learning community that recognises and honours each child’s right to feel safe, right to learn and responsibility to respect others.
Every child has the right to feel safe … a child’s full learning potential cannot be reached unless they feel secure within the school environment. It is therefore priority of all staff, to monitor and nurture the general happiness and safety of each and every student at St John’s.
Every child has the right to learn … we aim to provide a school that is striving for excellence in the Religious, Academic, Sporting and Cultural areas of education.
Every child has a responsibility to respect others … as St John’s continues to grow, accepting children from all religious backgrounds; we strive to preserve a culture of support for one another, intertwined with the values and beliefs of our Catholic faith traditions.
As we travel along our life-long journey of learning – working together, celebrating together and praying together – we ask that Christ be with us always in preparing the way for these young people of today to be adults of the future.
This school offers Outside School Hours Care (OSHC).
Enrolment Application Fee Schedule
OSHC EnrolmentGeneral Information
Location 15 J. Hickey Avenue Clinton, Gladstone QLD 4680
Postal Address PO Box 7265 Kin Kora, Gladstone QLD 4680
Approx. Enrolment 556
Founded 1977 by the Marist Fathers and Marist Sisters
Parish Star of the Sea Parish