What are the requirements to apply for employment as a teacher with Catholic Education in the Diocese of Rockhampton?
You must be registered or eligible for registration with the Queensland College of Teachers. For more information go to www.qct.edu.au
Do I have to register for teaching in Queensland if I have registration in another Australian state or territory or in another country?
If you intend to teach in Queensland it is a requirement of employment that you must be a registered teacher with the Queensland College of Teachers.
How do I register as a relief teacher for Catholic Education in the Diocese of Rockhampton?
To register as a relief teacher for Catholic Education in the Diocese of Rockhampton you need to complete an application on our careers portal (https://cedr-portal.applynow.net.au/) via the Relief Teacher Talent Pool and submit this along with all of the required documents listed on the application form. An interview will then be arranged. Once appointed as a relief teacher your details will be made available to all schools and colleges in your chosen region.
As a teacher, do I need to have particular qualifications to teach Religion in a Catholic school?
In order to teach Religion in a Catholic school or college, permanent teachers need to be accredited to teach Religion. To gain this accreditation teachers are required to complete the equivalent of four semester units of study in areas of theology, spirituality, Catholic Education or Religion. Teachers are usually given provisional accreditation to teach Religion provided they undertake an assurance to gain full accreditation within four years of being appointed.
I have not attended Student Protection Training for Catholic Education - Diocese of Rockhampton, may I still apply?
Yes, you are encouraged to apply. Please note that completion of the Student Protection Training is required prior to commencing your role. This training is available via the Staff Induction page (https://www.rok.catholic.edu.au/careers/staff-induction-documents/).
Are there incentives when teaching in remote areas?
Yes, we offer incentives such as remote area payments, reduced rental and assistance with relocation costs. A number of other incentives are also available to employees teaching in remote areas.
As a non-teacher in a school, are there any requirements that I need to fulfil prior to commencing employment?
Yes, all paid employees who are not teachers need to be a holder of, or have applied for a Working With Children Check (Blue Card). For more information go to www.bluecard.qld.gov.au
Do I have to be a Catholic to teach in a Catholic school?
People who are not Catholics but who would feel at home in a Catholic school environment and who would support the school's ethos by word and deed are welcome to apply for positions. Importantly, all staff members, Catholic or not, are required to sign an acceptance of our Statement of Principles for Employment in Catholic Schools and Contractual Principles.
Where do I submit my application if applying for a position in a primary or a secondary school?
All applications must be submitted through our careers portal (https://cedr-portal.applynow.net.au/). If you are applying for a position in a primary or secondary school, please ensure you apply directly to the specific vacancies or relevant talent pools listed. Applications submitted through other channels will not be considered.
Who can I contact for further information in relation to employment opportunities with Catholic Education in the Diocese of Rockhampton?
Please e-mail employment@rok.catholic.edu.au or phone 4994 8000.