14th November 2023
Mentor teachers recognised

Certificates will be presented to 10 teachers in Catholic primary schools at end-of-school year events, in appreciation of their mentorship of pre-service teachers participating in Catholic Education – Diocese of Rockhampton’s Career Assistance Program (CAP).
The CAP supports pre-service teachers in the third and fourth year of their teaching degree through on-the-job mentoring and coaching.
Pairing great mentor teachers with CAP pre-service teachers has proven a recipe for success, according to Assistant Director: Teaching and Learning, Carmel Kriz.
“The CAP would not be the success it is without these highly committed and passionate educators,” Mrs Kriz said.
Mentor teachers guide, coach and support CAP pre-service teachers in their classrooms over the course of a year having a significantly positive impact on their preparedness.
“The feedback from CAP participants is that the program is having a very significant impact on their knowledge, skill, and readiness for the classroom, and a key factor in this positive impact is the mentor teacher,” Mrs Kriz said.
“Through extended classroom immersion under professional mentorship our CAP participants are job-ready with the mindset, toolset and skillset needed to be a great teacher.”
“Our mentors themselves describe mentoring as a positive experience that serves to reinvigorate their own practice.”
In providing certificates of appreciation to mentor teachers Mrs Kriz acknowledged their contribution and dedication.
“Contributing to the next generation of teachers is rewarding and a way of valuing the profession, of shaping pre-service teachers so they will be ‘classroom ready’ at the conclusion of their studies,” Mrs Kriz said.
“For the knowledge, skill, professionalism, expertise, teaching mastery, patience and capacity to work effectively with others, we thank the mentors,” Mrs Kriz said.
Mentor teachers receiving certificates include:
Sharon Upton - St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School, Yeppoon
Nicole Hargreaves - St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Rockhampton
Kate McGregor - St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School, North Rockhampton
Kasey Gilbert - St Paul’s Catholic Primary School, Gracemere
Hayley Kaddatz - St John’s Catholic Primary School, Walkerston
Alicia Wardrop - St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Mackay
Shannon Cross - St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School, Mackay
Donna Berardi - St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Mackay
Kirsty Cundell - St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School, Mackay
Ange Robinson - St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Bundaberg
Career Assistance Program Mentor Teacher Nicole Hargreaves reviews classroom planning with CAP participant Eliza at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Rockhampton.